• Coaching - Education - New Clients - Parent and Student Guides

    Coach / Student Agreements or Contracts

    Signed agreements between a coach and student/parent are very uncommon in the skating world.  It is more widely used by coaches of higher level skaters.  Some might wonder why a skating coach would want a parent and student to sign an agreement.  Well, you don’t see gyms, dance studios personal trainers, massage parlors, and even utility companies, etc. not use some sort of agreement, do you?  So why wouldn’t a coach have one?  An agreement is mainly there to protect the coach and student and to make sure the student and parent understand and agree to what is expected of…

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    Skating Lessons Overpriced?

    I took the liberty to break down the reason that skating lessons don’t cost $10 per hour. A Junior Coach generally starts at $40 per hour and Olympic coaches and Choreographers may charge as much as $200 per hour or more. Attached you’ll find information I put together for things to make more sense.

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    Proper Dress for Beginner Skaters

    So it’s been a while since I have posted on the blog, but I just felt a need to write about this subject.  Every  day that I am on the ice during Public Skate, I see beginner skaters showing up in shorts or dresses and a short sleeve shirt.  Not only that.  When they put on skates, they tend to be way too large and the skates are either not laced up at all or very loose.  Now that is a recipe for disaster! Here are some tips for first time and beginner skaters: Wear warm pants like jeans or…

  • Fitness

    What are Plyometrics?

      Plyometrics is a type of exercise training designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system, generally for the purpose of improving performance in sports. Plyometric movements, in which a muscle is loaded and then contracted in rapid sequence, use the strength, elasticity and innervation of muscle and surrounding tissues to jump higher, run faster, throw farther, or hit harder, depending on the desired training goal. Plyometrics is used to increase the speed or force of muscular contractions, often with the goal of increasing the height of a jump. -Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plyometrics

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    What to wear inside your skates…

    Do you ever wonder what the best thing is to wear in your skates?  Wonder no more!  Wear very thin tights or knee-highs.  Do NOT wear tennis socks, as they constrict your feet inside your skates and cause blisters to no end.  Some of you like to skate barefoot, and that is alright if you don’t get blisters from it and don’t mind stinky skates. If you end  up with stinky skates, you can always get one of the expensive deodorizing sprays from athletic stores.  A cheaper option would be Lysol or perhaps you may even want to replace your…

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    Training Log

    Some of you may have heard of or even used training logs.  Now the big question is:  Are you using a log right now?  If your answer is ‘no’ you might want to consider changing your ways.  Keeping a meticulous log of practice sessions can help you adjust your training and give you an overview of your progress.  It can also help you identify some trouble spots much quicker.  Not keeping a training log can sometimes lead to unintentional overtraining which usually leads to injury. When keeping a training log, it is usually a good idea to keep track of…

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    Peak Performance for Figure Skaters 2nd Edition

    ‘Peak Performance for Figure Skaters’ with Helena Nyman, Uschi Keszler and Celyne Stoudmann-Shull Includes article ‘On becoming a Champion’ by Uschi Keszler and FREE Session with Peak Performance Coach Helena Nyman Gain Laser Focus Boost your Mental Toughness and Improve your Performance Workbook * Training Journal * Peak Performance Guide 264 pages, includes Worksheets – Price: 34.95 (& Shipping and Handling) To order your book, visit: http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/peak-performance-for-figure-skaters/18631984?productTrackingContext=search_results/search_shelf/center/2 $10.00/book will go to Charity! ($5.00 for Uschi Keszler’s Breast Cancer Research www.PenniesinAction.org / $5.00 for Celyne Stoudmann-Shull’s Fight against Obesity through Ice Sports www.AeonIce.org) This Work Book and Journal is for every…

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    Skating Music – How To…

    Skating music is a very important part of skating.  It can actually make or break a routine!  When you pick your music for programs, it is important that you look at the skaters’ personality, skating style, age and level of skating.  For example it is not a good idea to take a Tango and match it up with a 6 year old  beginner skater.  So make sure you take a good look at the whole picture before you pick your favorite music, and make sure it is a good match. Once you have the right music picked, it is important…