
Training Log

Some of you may have heard of or even used training logs.  Now the big question is:  Are you using a log right now?  If your answer is ‘no’ you might want to consider changing your ways.  Keeping a meticulous log of practice sessions can help you adjust your training and give you an overview of your progress.  It can also help you identify some trouble spots much quicker.  Not keeping a training log can sometimes lead to unintentional overtraining which usually leads to injury.
When keeping a training log, it is usually a good idea to keep track of hours skated (incl. time of day that you are skating), jump/spin attempts and outcome (it is usually a good idea for the coach or parent who is familiar with the sport to log that information), detailed program run-throughs and all off-ice training.  Depending on how detailed you are willing to get, you can even keep a sleep and nutritional log.
This is usually done in conjunction of a seasonal plan/periodization which will help you reach peak performance when it is needed.

To get started you will need:

– Notebook
– Pen/Pencil
– An idea on how you would like to organize all the data in your notebook


Buy you own training book at www.peakperformanceforfigureskaters.com

Make sure that if you decide to go ahead and keep a log, it is important to make a commitment of using it during every practice.  That is the best way to troubleshoot issues that you might face during training.

Celyne grew up in Switzerland in a Sports Family. Her mother was a Coach for Olympic Athletes, her father was a National downhill Skier, and her Grandfather was a Hockey Coach. She chose the path as a Pro Figure Skater and International Competitor, and is now a Pro Coach, specialized in Figure Skating and Power Skating. In order to cover all physical aspects of skating, she also became a Certified Personal Trainer. During her career as a Pro Skater, Celyne traveled the Globe and trained and performed among World’s most prestigious athletes. Being exposed to this kind of caliber of athletes and being raised in a family of Pro Athletes gave her the experience and edge to be one of the most innovative Coaches. Celyne uses her experience to take athletes to the top level.