
Peak Performance for Figure Skaters 2nd Edition

‘Peak Performance for Figure Skaters’
Helena Nyman, Uschi Keszler and Celyne Stoudmann-Shull

Includes article ‘On becoming a Champion’ by Uschi Keszler and FREE Session with Peak Performance Coach Helena Nyman

Gain Laser Focus
Boost your Mental Toughness and Improve your Performance

Workbook * Training Journal * Peak Performance Guide
264 pages, includes Worksheets – Price: 34.95 (& Shipping and Handling)

To order your book, visit:


$10.00/book will go to Charity! ($5.00 for Uschi Keszler’s Breast Cancer Research www.PenniesinAction.org / $5.00 for Celyne Stoudmann-Shull’s Fight against Obesity through Ice Sports www.AeonIce.org)

This Work Book and Journal is for every Figure Skater who is committed to take an extra step toward EXCELLENCE!

Chapter 1: Your Vision and Dreams * Chapter 2: Commitment * Chapter 3: Goal Setting * Chapter 4: Welcome to the ‘Ultimate Goal Setting Guide * Chapter 5: Plan your Season * Chapter 6: Periodization * Chapter 7: Breaking down the Goals * Chapter 8: Laser Focus * Chapter 9: Create a Support Group * Chapter 10: Take control * Chapter 11: Focusing on you * Chapter 12: Stay on Course * Chapter 13: Mental Imagery /Visualization * Chapter 14: Affirmations * Chapter 15: Self Talk * Chapter 16: Key words * Chapter 17: Fear of Success * Chapter 18: Worksheets * Chapter 19: Determination Quotes * Chapter 20: Final Thoughts

Meet the Authors:

Helena Nyman has a background in Psychology. She coached Olympic and World Athletes, Helena’s laser focus is on peak performance. Helena speaks in Organizations, Colleges and during special Events, and she has published several books. 2009 she received the Global Artemis Award and was inducted into the Women’s Hall of Fame.

Uschi Keszler is a 7-time Olypic Coach and is primarily known for her work with Canadian skaters Brian Orser, Elvis Stojko, and Shae-Lynn Bourne and Victor Kraatz. She is known for inventing “hydroblading”. She survived tuberculosis, breast and uterine cancer and founded Uschi Keszler’s Pennies-in-Action Cancer Research Fund
Born and raised in Switzerland, Célyne Stoudmann-Shull is a former Swiss National Team member, national and international (ISU) Senior/Elite competitor for Switzerland. She is now a Professional Figure Skating Coach in the United States, the proud owner of Excellence On Ice, LLC and the Founder/Executive Director of Aeon Ice, a Non for Profit Organization that is helping the fight against obesity through ice sports.

Celyne grew up in Switzerland in a Sports Family. Her mother was a Coach for Olympic Athletes, her father was a National downhill Skier, and her Grandfather was a Hockey Coach. She chose the path as a Pro Figure Skater and International Competitor, and is now a Pro Coach, specialized in Figure Skating and Power Skating. In order to cover all physical aspects of skating, she also became a Certified Personal Trainer. During her career as a Pro Skater, Celyne traveled the Globe and trained and performed among World’s most prestigious athletes. Being exposed to this kind of caliber of athletes and being raised in a family of Pro Athletes gave her the experience and edge to be one of the most innovative Coaches. Celyne uses her experience to take athletes to the top level.